الاثنين، 29 مايو 2017

Lean Production and Six-Sigma

Lean Production and Six-Sigma
الهدف (Objectives)
- To define concepts, methods, and indicators of total quality management and Six-sigma.
 - To develop the participants capabilities in measuring and analyzing per-formance indicators in different areas.
 - To select the best action, process or project.
المشاركون (Participants)

All managers (quality, project, process, maintenance, .. etc) and 
senior staff members in public and private sector companies.
#دورات_مؤتمرات_ندورات_ورش _عمل 
دبي #تركيا #ماليزيا #شرم_الشيخ# ITCC
للتسجيل والاستفسار
Mobile _00201122278532
Mobile: +201063464705

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